这是ABC在女性为主的警察题材电视剧上的又一次尝试(上一部《非凡警察》叫好却不卖座)。该剧将目光投向五个刚刚从警察学院毕业的年轻人--他们有活力,充满抱负,渴望能在工作岗位上大展拳脚。然而一切会像他们想象的那样顺利吗?从穿上警服的第一天开始,这群「菜鸟警察」便一头栽进了处处充满危险的世界。... 喜欢警察题材的剧迷可以再接着看看《纽约警察故事第一季》。Global, a Canadian TV network, announced that its hit series Rookie Blue will premiere on Thursday, June 16 at 10 PM. Obviously, the series will also be aired on ABC, an American TV network.The first seasons follows five rookies from a police department (Missy Peregrym, Gregory Smith, Charlotte Sullivan, Travis Milne and Enuka Okuma). In the second season, they"ve got more experience, but they face other challenges in the streets.Other regular cast members include Eric Johnson, Matt Gordon, Noam Jenkins, Ben Bass, Lyriq Bent and Melanie Nicholls-King.